Workshop line up

Here's the list of workshops and presenters for this years event:
  1. Joyce Anthony- Blogging
  2. Lillian Cauldwell- interviews and blogtalkradio
  3. Sandy Lender- Virtual Tours
  4. Janet Elaine Smith- Turning work into fun (marketing)
  5. Carolyn Howard Johnson- Queries
  6. Karina Fabian- Making promotional materials
  7. Reno Lovison- Video book trailers
  8. Lea Schizas- TBC
  9. Jo Linsdell- Social media
Moderators who will be helping out are:

Penny Ehrenkrantz
Jay Miller
Tannia Ortiz Lopez

Times to be confirmed.

Calling all publishers

Publishers are invited to take part in PROMO DAY both to promote their services and signed authors but also to network with other authors to maybe sign a new talent to their label.

There will be a special section in the forums dedicated to Publishing companies to give them space to post their submission guidelines, information about what they offer and answer questions from authors looking for a publishers for their manuscript.

Any Publishers wanting extra information or with questions about being involved can contact me by email.

Show off your writing talents

Get your writing samples ready! There will be a special section on the forums during this years PROMO DAY where you can post a sample of your writing. As the event will be attended by publishers, editors and representatives from content websites, this is your chance to show off your talents and hopefully find some new writing assignments. It could also mean more sales for your books, as the sample could be a sneak peak from your latest release. It's up to you.

As with all material posted to the site, all genres are welcome but should bear in mind that the event is open to everyone and therefore out of respect, please keep them 'clean'.

The length, again, is up to you. I suggest not making the sample too long however as you will need to post it to the forum and with everything going on during the day people may not have hours to concentrate on your sample alone.

As the idea is to create interest in your work please remember to post a byline or weblink so people can contact you.
Samples can only be posted during the event on Saturday 15th May. Any posts to the forums prior to the event will be deleted.

By preparing your sample in advance you can make sure you put your best foot, or in this case words, forward.

Video trailers

Now's the time to prepare your book video trailers and submit them for posting to the PROMO DAY website.

Although all genres of books are accepted I ask that video's are 'clean' as the event is open to all ages and would prefer not to have any 'upset' visitors.

To have your video trailer featured on site during the event just send the embed code by email to with 'video trailer' in the subject line.

Deadline for submissions 1st April 2010.

Workshop Presenter: Carolyn Howard Johnson

Workshop: Queries
Time: 7pm Central European Time (see for time conversions).

Workshop outline:
Let's get together for an hour and learn to avoid the kinds of things authors put in their query letters that tick agents off--right from the mouths of agents themselves. This workshop will help you shop your book successfully, but it will also help you get publicity for it once it's published. It also includes a great handout that includes sample query letters and permission to use the contents on your blog (properly credited :-)

The presenter:

Presenter bio:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers including The Frugal Book Promoter, The Frugal Editor, The Great First Impression Book Proposal: Everything You Need To Know To Sell Your Book in 20 Minutes or Less. and her new Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers: The Ultimate Frugal Booklet for Avoiding Word Trippers and Crafting Gatekeeper-Perfect Copy, part of a new series of carry-it-with you mini books at a frugal price of $6.95. Learn more about her at


The Frugal Book Promoter

The Frugal Editor

The Great First Impression Book Proposal
Love LinkedIn:
Squidooing at:
My iFOGO Page:
Twittering at:
At Facebook:

Blogs for Writers: , , ,

Now blogging on War. Peace. Tolerance and Our Soldiers at:


Count down widget

There is a system error on the count down widget at the moment but if you would like to add it to your site or blog please email for the html code for it.


Have your book featured in the Bookstore

That's right, you can have your book or books featured in the onsite bookstore on the PROMO DAY website.

All crew members get one book included free of charge as a thank you for their time and contributions.

If you're not a crew member you can still have your books featured for a small fee of just €5,00 per book.

To take advantage of this offer, please email your book details (amazon link where available) to with 'bookstore' in the subject line. Payments can be made using the paypal button on site.

Workshop Presenter: Joyce Anthony

Joyce Anthony will be joining us this year to present a workshop on blogging.

Does your blog get across what you want it to? Is it being used as your greatest promotional tool and online picture of who you are? If you answer "no" or "I don't know" to these questions, let me get you started on the path of blogging for fun and recognition!

BIO: Joyce A. Anthony combines the myriad of roles in her life to create works that cause readers to question who they are and how they relate to the world. Her biggest goal in life is to challenge others to be the best they can in whatever they do.

Buy a Copy of her book STORM

Workshop presenters needed

Are you an expert in blogging? marketing? social media? queries? virtual tours? creating websites? writing reviews? preparing for author events? or any other topic that might be of interest to the attendees of PROMO DAY?

If the answer is yes, then I need YOU!

I'm looking to find at least 10 presenters for the LIVE workshops to take place in this years PROMO DAY on Saturday 15th May.

Workshops will be a LIVE written chat in the on site chatroom and each one will last one hour. Presenters should allow time for a question and answer session. Each workshop will have a moderator to help keep track of questions order and time remaining.

As a workshop presenter you become part of the official PROMO DAY Crew and get one book included in the on site bookstore free of charge, promotion on this blog, listing on the PROMO DAY website and mention in promotional materials for the event.

Please email me at with a brief description of the topic you would like to present.

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