What can you do at Promo Day?

Promo Day is a free online event for writing and marketing professionals that takes place on Saturday 31st May 2014. So if you're a writer, author, publisher, editor, cover designer, virtual book tour company, virtual assistant, reviewer, book blogger, illustrators, etc... register now to take advantage of this fantastic event. Why? 

Here's a quick run down of what you can do at Promo Day:

At Promo Day you can;


There will be sections in the forums where you can post about your books, services, etc... There will also be loads of live events throughout the day where you can be interviewed, join in panel discussions, and more.


Opportunities to make new connections and rub shoulders with publishers, editors, illustrators, writers, virtual assistants, cover designers, and more... 

In the past, attendees have gained new clients and assignments during the event and some have even made the first connection that later lead to them signing with a publisher. 

The event is attended by people from all over the world so you'll have the chance to reach out on an international level.


Free presentations from marketing experts PLUS discussions in the forums and live panel sessions. 

Are you ready to promote, network, and learn? Sign up for FREE now 


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