#PD15 Webinar: Your Editor is Your Friend: No, really. Why are you laughing? with Stacey Brewer

#PD15 Webinar: Your Editor is Your Friend: No, really. Why are you laughing? with Stacey Brewer, Register at www.PromoDay.info

Stacey Brewer

Presentation title: 
Your Editor is Your Friend: No, really. Why are you laughing?

Presentation outline:
A discussion of how to get the most out of the editing experience including choosing an editor and working with him/her to make your book the best it can be.

Presenter Bio:
Stacey Brewer is the managing editor for PDMI Publishing, LLC, a freelance editor, and writes fantasy, historical fantasy, and modern fantasy (though she also suffers from the occasional steampunk and sci-fi ambitions) and will be releasing a children’s book later this year. A little time studying journalism was all it took to turn Stacey into a proper grammar fiend, and a love of reading well-written books drives her to continually study the craft of writing and use those studies to help authors refine their work and make it the best it can be.

Connect with Stacey:

All webinars are free to all attendees, and are available for the entire day on Saturday 30th May during the Promo Day event. Click "Register Now" above for access to this, and all the other webinars. You'll also have access to the pitch sessions with Publishers, and all the other activities and opportunities that PD15 offers.

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