Webinar: Understanding Audiobooks with Virginia Jennings

#Webinar: Understanding Audiobooks with Virginia Jennings #PromoDay2018

Webinar title: Understanding Audiobooks

Presenter: Virginia Jennings

A brief outline of what will be covered:

How to find your producer/ what to look for
What information to give your producer before they start
What to look for when they send you a sample

How ACX works.

About Virginia:

When V.L. Jennings isn't traveling to other worlds through her imagination, she calls Dillon County, South Carolina her home. She was born in Nashua, New Hampshire in 1987 and is the author of two science fiction novels; "The Alien Mind" (which is the recipient of the Readers Favorite Five Star Review Award), and "Visionary From The Stars".

But what motivates Virginia to create, to illustrate, to prognosticate? Virginia is a speculator, the kind of person who always debates the "what if?" of where stories both true and fantastical are leading themselves to, which explains her love of post-apocalyptic fare such as "The Walking Dead." Through her writing, she enjoys trying to figure out what our human potential is, and where our innate desire for a better world could lead us.

Overall, Virginia is just about as real as a person can get. Yes, even authors love to sing along with their favorite local radio station while driving, and Virginia is no exception to this rule. She enjoys watching Doctor Who or Star Trek with her family over dinner, and also watching the latest sci-fi and action movies with her husband. On the weekends, you may even find Virginia and her family at the local comic book store, hunting down more comics to add to their collections.

V.L. Jennings spends her free time writing flash fiction on her blog and working towards her degree in Electronics Engineering. You can find out more about V.L. Jennings at www.virginialorijennings.com

You can also find V.L. Jennings on any of these social media sites!

*Twitter*  Instagram * Google+ * Facebook * Pinterest * On Goodreads * Amazon Author Page * On Linkedin * Blog RSS *

Important info:

When: Saturday 5th May 2018 (available all day)
Where: In the event forums
Cost: FREE!

Free Webinars #PromoDay2018


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